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Haunting story from the ICU

So I came in my shift my pt was a 90 year old pt she was sedated and intubated. Diagnosed with AAA, Abdominal aortic aneurysm type A. Basically a bulging or ballon like bubble in the aorta that needs immediate medical attention can result in death by bleeding to death from the inside.

Family wanted time to decide what to do so we extubated the pt and waited for the sedation to wear off to get her opinion. It was taking a long time so family went home for the night around 8pm.

At 4am I walked past her room and to my surprise she was sitting up. Since arriving to work pt has not moved at all so I walked into the room. She was sitting up turned to me and smiled asked me when her daughter was coming back. I said soon I will call her right now. She said thank you then smiled. I turned and left the room picked up the phone called her daughter as soon as I started talking I hear the alarms. I put the phone down run to her room asystole rhythm, no pulse, pt eyes tell me everything. She has passed away. I can’t help but notice her neck is pulsing extending outwards almost like a toad. The aneurysm has burst and she was bleeding to death internally. All within minutes she woke up asked for her daughter then died. She smiled when talking right before she died so I tell myself she died happily thinking her daughter was on her way.